
Inlägg från 2024-06

In 2019, LINUM had Swedish interior stylist and artist Josefin Tolstoy interpret a selection of LINUM’s range of products just as she saw fit. Josefin didn’t receive any instructions or provisos, but LINUM as a brand relied entirely on her experience, her sense of colour and form, and on her high level of styling competence. The result (a series of images styled and photographed in her own home) was outstanding. LINUM has since granted the same trust to a number of well-known names, such as photographer Andrea Papini, stylist Daniella Witte and the social media duo Emily Slotte & Caroline Borg. Each interpretation is unique, and is a way for LINUM to let someone other than ourselves tell a story.

Krautkopf tolkar LINUM.

Krautkopf tolkar LINUM.

Det är ett sant nöje för oss på LINUM att inför sommaren få presentera den tyska duon Krautkopf för en strålande vacker tolkning. Hos Krautkopf står det rika livet i trädgården i fokus och deras idérikedom hur de kan utnyttja allt den har att erbjuda, är minst sagt spännande. I denna artikel berättar de mer om deras tolkning och hur tankarna gick inför den.
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Krautkopf interpretiert LINUM.

Krautkopf interpretiert LINUM.

Es ist uns bei LINUM eine große Freude, dem deutschen Duo Krautkopf noch vor dem Sommer eine strahlend schöne Interpretation präsentieren zu können. Bei Krautkopf steht das reiche Leben im Garten im Mittelpunkt und ihre Kreativität, wie sie alles, was er zu bieten hat, nutzen kann, ist gelinde gesagt inspirierend. In diesem Artikel erzählen sie uns mehr über ihre Interpretation und wie sie darüber dachten.
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Krautkopf interpreta LINUM.

Krautkopf interpreta LINUM.

È un vero piacere poter presentare il duo tedesco Krautkopf per un'interpretazione estiva brillante e bella. Per i fotografi, che sui social si fanno chiamare Krautkopf, la ricca vita nel giardino è vitale e la loro creatività nel modo in cui possono utilizzare tutto ciò che ha da offrire, è a dir poco emozionante. In questo articolo ci raccontano di più sulla loro interpretazione e sulle loro ambizioni.
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Krautkopf interprète LINUM.

Krautkopf interprète LINUM.

C'est un vrai plaisir de pouvoir présenter le duo allemand Krautkopf pour une brillante et belle interprétation estivale. Pour les photographes, qui se font appeler Krautkopf sur les réseaux sociaux, la vie riche dans le jardin est vitale et leur créativité dans la façon dont ils peuvent utiliser tout ce qu'il a à offrir est pour le moins passionnante. Dans cet article, ils nous en disent plus sur leur interprétation et leurs ambitions derrière.
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Krautkopf interprets LINUM.

Krautkopf interprets LINUM.

It is a true pleasure to be able to present the German duo Krautkopf for a brilliantly and beautiful summer interpretation. For the photograpers, calling themselves Krautkopf on social media, the rich life in the garden is vital and their creativity in how they can use everything it has to offer, is exciting to say the least. In this article, they tell us more about their interpretation and their ambitions behind.
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In 2019, LINUM had Swedish interior stylist and artist Josefin Tolstoy interpret a selection of LINUM’s range of products just as she saw fit. Josefin didn’t receive any instructions or provisos, but LINUM as a brand relied entirely on her experience, her sense of colour and form, and on her high level of styling competence. The result (a series of images styled and photographed in her own home) was outstanding. LINUM has since granted the same trust to a number of well-known names, such as photographer Andrea Papini, stylist Daniella Witte and the social media duo Emily Slotte & Caroline Borg. Each interpretation is unique, and is a way for LINUM to let someone other than ourselves tell a story.

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