
Inlägg från 2024-11

In 2019, LINUM had Swedish interior stylist and artist Josefin Tolstoy interpret a selection of LINUM’s range of products just as she saw fit. Josefin didn’t receive any instructions or provisos, but LINUM as a brand relied entirely on her experience, her sense of colour and form, and on her high level of styling competence. The result (a series of images styled and photographed in her own home) was outstanding. LINUM has since granted the same trust to a number of well-known names, such as photographer Andrea Papini, stylist Daniella Witte and the social media duo Emily Slotte & Caroline Borg. Each interpretation is unique, and is a way for LINUM to let someone other than ourselves tell a story.

Krautkopf tolkar LINUM.

Krautkopf tolkar LINUM.

Vi går sakta årets sista högtidsdagar till mötes och den ljumma hösten glider långsamt över i bistrare vinter. Sensommarens alla biofilmer har redan visats på den uppspända duken i den vackra trädgården och den sötsura citrontårtans sista bit har för länge sedan serverats. Nu väntar några av årets mest omtyckta helgdagar och vi hälsar återigen på hos några riktigt goda vänner, Susann Probst och Yannic Schon från den tyska plattformen Krautkopf.
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Krautkopf interpretiert LINUM.

Krautkopf interpretiert LINUM.

Langsam nähern wir uns den letzten Festtagen des Jahres und der warme Herbst geht langsam in einen düstereren Winter über. Alle Kinofilme des Spätsommers wurden bereits auf der großen Leinwand im wunderschönen Garten gezeigt und das letzte Stück des süß-sauren Zitronenkuchens ist längst serviert. Jetzt warten einige der beliebtesten Feiertage des Jahres und wir besuchen wieder einmal einige wirklich gute Freunde, Susann Probst und Yannic Schon von der deutschen Plattform Krautkopf.
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Krautkopf interpreta LINUM.

Krautkopf interpreta LINUM.

Ci stiamo lentamente avvicinando agli ultimi giorni festivi dell'anno e il caldo autunno sta lentamente scivolando in un inverno più cupo. Tutti i film di fine estate sono già stati proiettati sul maxi schermo nel bellissimo giardino e l'ultima fetta della torta agrodolce al limone è già stata servita da tempo. Alcune delle festività più amate dell'anno si stanno avvicinando e ancora una volta visitiamo i nostri cari amici Susann Probst e Yannic Schon della piattaforma tedesca Krautkopf.
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Krautkopf interprète LINUM.

Krautkopf interprète LINUM.

Nous approchons lentement des derniers jours de fête de l’année et l’automne chaud se transforme peu à peu en un hiver plus sombre. Tous les films de la fin de l'été ont déjà été projetés sur grand écran dans le magnifique jardin et le dernier morceau du gâteau au citron aigre-doux a été servi depuis longtemps. Certaines des fêtes les plus populaires de l'année approchent et nous rendons à nouveau visite à nos bons amis, Susann Probst et Yannic Schon de la plateforme allemande Krautkopf.
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Krautkopf interprets LINUM.

Krautkopf interprets LINUM.

We are slowly approaching the last festive days of the year and the warm autumn is slowly slipping into a more gloomy winter. All the movies of the late summer have already been shown on the big screen in the beautiful garden and the last piece of the sweet and sour lemon cake has long since been served. Some of the most popular holidays of the year are approaching and we once again visit our good friends, Susann Probst and Yannic Schon from the German platform Krautkopf.
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In 2019, LINUM had Swedish interior stylist and artist Josefin Tolstoy interpret a selection of LINUM’s range of products just as she saw fit. Josefin didn’t receive any instructions or provisos, but LINUM as a brand relied entirely on her experience, her sense of colour and form, and on her high level of styling competence. The result (a series of images styled and photographed in her own home) was outstanding. LINUM has since granted the same trust to a number of well-known names, such as photographer Andrea Papini, stylist Daniella Witte and the social media duo Emily Slotte & Caroline Borg. Each interpretation is unique, and is a way for LINUM to let someone other than ourselves tell a story.

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