
Inlägg från 2023-09

In 2019, LINUM had Swedish interior stylist and artist Josefin Tolstoy interpret a selection of LINUM’s range of products just as she saw fit. Josefin didn’t receive any instructions or provisos, but LINUM as a brand relied entirely on her experience, her sense of colour and form, and on her high level of styling competence. The result (a series of images styled and photographed in her own home) was outstanding. LINUM has since granted the same trust to a number of well-known names, such as photographer Andrea Papini, stylist Daniella Witte and the social media duo Emily Slotte & Caroline Borg. Each interpretation is unique, and is a way for LINUM to let someone other than ourselves tell a story.

Sebastian Bergström tolkar LINUM.

Sebastian Bergström tolkar LINUM.

Höstens stora kampanj på kuddfodral har precis dragit i gång och i centrum står några av LINUMS mest älskade produkter, såsom PEPPER, ANNABELL och SHEPARD. Sedan decennier har LINUM varit branschledande på färg, något skribenten och kulörentusiasten Sebastian Bergström tagit fasta på i sin tolkning av vårt sortiment.
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Sebastian Bergström interpretiert LINUM.

Sebastian Bergström interpretiert LINUM.

Die große Herbstkampagne für Kissenhüllen ist gerade gestartet, und im Mittelpunkt stehen einige der beliebtesten Produkte von LINUM wie PEPPER, ANNABELL und SHEPARD. Seit Jahrzehnten ist LINUM branchenführend auf dem Gebiet der Farben, was Sebastian Bergström, Autor und Farb-Enthusiast, in seiner Interpretation unseres Sortiments aufnimmt.
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Sebastian Bergström interpreta LINUM.

Sebastian Bergström interpreta LINUM.

La grande campagna autunnale sui copricuscini è appena iniziata e si concentra su alcuni dei prodotti LINUM più amati come PEPPER, ANNABELL e SHEPARD. Da decenni LINUM è un leader nelle scelte cromatiche, cosa che Sebastian Bergström, scrittore e appassionato di colori, non ha mancato di sottolineare nella sua interpretazione della nostra gamma.
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Sebastian Bergström interprète LINUM.

Sebastian Bergström interprète LINUM.

La grande campagne promotionnelle d’automne consacrée aux housses de coussin vient de commencer, et certains des produits les plus populaires de LINUM, tels que PEPPER, ANNABELL et SHEPARD, sont mis à l’honneur. Depuis des décennies, LINUM est un leader en matière de couleurs, comme l’a mis en évidence l’écrivain et passionné de couleurs Sebastian Bergström lors de son interprétation de notre gamme.
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Sebastian Bergström interprets LINUM.

Sebastian Bergström interprets LINUM.

We’ve just launched this autumn's big cushion covers campaign, and the spotlight is on LINUM's most beloved products, such as PEPPER, ANNABELL and SHEPARD. LINUM has been an industry leader in colour for many decades, and that’s something writer and colour enthusiast Sebastian Bergström has taken note of in his interpretation of our range.
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In 2019, LINUM had Swedish interior stylist and artist Josefin Tolstoy interpret a selection of LINUM’s range of products just as she saw fit. Josefin didn’t receive any instructions or provisos, but LINUM as a brand relied entirely on her experience, her sense of colour and form, and on her high level of styling competence. The result (a series of images styled and photographed in her own home) was outstanding. LINUM has since granted the same trust to a number of well-known names, such as photographer Andrea Papini, stylist Daniella Witte and the social media duo Emily Slotte & Caroline Borg. Each interpretation is unique, and is a way for LINUM to let someone other than ourselves tell a story.

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