Find UNI on Amazon.

In order to gain a better understanding of Amazon as a marketplace, we sat down for an interesting conversation with our project manager for the company’s development via marketplaces, Emma Möllare, Digital Project & Marketplace Manager.
Tell us Emma, what makes Amazon so special?
Amazon’s actually quite misunderstood as a platform. Many people think that Amazon always owns the goods and brands they sell, but in reality they often only act as an intermediary for them. Amazon has an unbeatable infrastructure when it comes to reaching its customers in Europe quickly and efficiently and has thus succeeded in solving a complex logistical problem.
If Amazon doesn’t own the goods, who does?
LINUM does. That’s “the beauty of Amazon”, that we as a brand can use their marketplace for offering our range. It’s just like in the olden days, when a salesperson rented a stand from a landowner to sell their products. We rent from Amazon, but own our own store and its content, and also decide on our own prices and promotions. In this way, our brand remains in tact and we reflect our own identity, but at the same time make ourselves accessible and reachable on an international level.
Is Amazon a search engine?
Yes and no. Amazon is the world’s largest e-store, “the everything store” as they like to call themselves. Their aim if for you as a customer to be able to find and buy everything, and one obviously needs some super intuitive search engine optimisation if you’re going to achieve that. At the same time, Amazon has an extremely wide range, so if you as a customer search more generally rather than specifically, for example on only “runners”, you’ll get hundreds of hits. We’ve therefore chosen to build our local online stores around our main product groups and their names, in order to facilitate searches on Amazon’s platform. So, if you search for “UNI runners” you’ll get a hit immediately.
Is the entire LINUM range available on Amazon?
No, as a customer you’ll always find LINUM’s entire range at, but on Amazon you’ll find our largest and most prominent product groups and the colours that are most in demand. Amazon provides fast delivery and there’s also their membership programme Prime, which has some great benefits on offer.
What’s the big thing about UNI? Why’s it so popular?
UNI is one of LINUM’s signature products, something which slightly more established brands often become over time. A signature product is a unique product that stands the test of time, is insensitive to trends and is always in demand at a high and steady pace, such as a special scent or a certain type of sport shoe. UNI, with its classic, ribbed structure and diverse range of colours, always finds its place regardless of the season, which has made it a friend you can always count on being at your dinner table.

Emma Möllare, Digital Project & Marketplace Manager.